Sunday, February 3, 2008


Dedicated to all the mothers of this world. Especially my moms Meena, Nabina and Radha.

Search for god took me everywhere
but soon my quest ended there
when I looked not further
but to my own mother

All these 21 years
I gave her nothing but tears
Which fell from her eyes like rain
And I kept her always in pain

Why did I not realise
How can anyone ever rise
Without her blessings
And never ending carings

I always neglected her food
And always spoilt her mood
Still she never complained
Now I realise she is a saint

She kept sacrificing for me
And I kept running away from her
She kept smiling at me
When I kept mocking at her

She kept caring for me
Even when I never cared for her
She kept inspiring me
When I kept insulting her

Forgive me O Divine!
I could not read your sign
You sent mother against yourself
But I never saw beyond myself

Oh God! Please give one more take
To love her and rectify my mistake
She has to me my mother in my rebirth
Only then my life would be of some worth

Wake UP!

This poem was composed during February 2007. It is, in my opinion Capsule de la Inspiration. Though I believe “IF” by Rudyard Kipling is a better capsule, this may work as a small dose

Wake UP! Wake Up!! Wakeup!!!
See others have risen
you too rise
see others have conquered
you too fight

For victories are not won
either by luck or recommendation
nor by blessing or depredation
fight and only fight wins
all victories and favours

Those who fear to loose
are destined to doom
for no battle was won
without spilling blood and killing lives
For no knowledge was acquired
without burning lamps and sleepless nights


In this poem I have tried to show different forms of Nature. One being the God like, necessary for our survival other one the destructive face which brings all calamities to us.

रुलाती भी तु, हसाँ ती भी तु ।

तडपाती भी तु, राहत दिलाती भी तु ।

दुनिया बनाती भी तु, उजाडती भी तु ।

देती भी तु, लेती भी तु

तुझे मैं प्रणाम करूं या करूं तेरा अपमान।

तुझसे मैं नफ़रत करूं या करूं तेरा सम्मान ।

तू ही बता प्रकृति, बता

कि मैं क्या करूं ।

अनाज से हमें लुभोदित करती भी तु ।

कभी तान्डव लिला दिखा के क्रोधित करती भी तु ।

आयुर्वेद देकर आयु बढाती भी तु ।

अनेक ज़हरों के रुप मे जान लेती भी तु ।

देवता भी तु, दानव भी तु ।

दुर्गा भी तु, काली भी तु ।

ब्रम्हा भी तु, भस्मासुर भी तु ।

रचती भी तु, बिगाड़ती भी तु ।

मेघ के रुप में खेतों में हरियाली लाती भी तु ।

बाढ़ के रुप मे कभी खेतों को डुबोती भी तु ।

जल्जलाती गर्मी में ठण्डी हवा देकर चैन लाती भी तु ।

कभी तूफ़ान के रुप में घरों को उडाती भी तु ।

सायर की कल्पना भी तु ।

मृत्यु का पर्याय भी तु ।

सप्नों का शहर भी तु ।

आतंक का कहर भी तु ।

तुझे मैं प्रणाम करूं या करूं तेरा अपमान।

तुझसे मैं नफ़रत करूं या करूं तेरा सम्मान ।

तू ही बता प्रकृति, बता

कि मैं क्या करूं ।

Men, Love, Life, and Work

This poem is a about strange combination of Men, Love, Life and Work. Though I believe the poem is incomplete but then I can’t see what can be added to this. So till then be contended with what is there below

Men love to live
but neither work to live
nor love to work

but there always are
few who live to work
and few love to work

There are many who live
but only those few really live
who lives to love to work

Many come and go
Un-noticed and never remembered
But only those become immortal
Who needs work to live!!!!

In Wonderful Hive

I wrote this poem when I was in my tenth standard. Only reason I have included such immature and unsophisticated poem is The Message it gives is more worthier today.
Here Hive , which means home of bees is referred to as Earth. The Only explanation why I choose Hive is because The Earth is getting crowded with people like a Hive gets by Bees.

Its greater than Earth, Moon and Sun
The problem of pollution!
Man brought it into existence
Now he himself is tensed

We are just the creature
Of this beautiful nature
But sadly we try to destroy
Though we know we will be the one to cry

Nature gifted us the environment
We regifted the nature pollutant
Nature made this beauty
And we spoiled it forgetting our duty

Children are taught not to lick
But aren’t taught to pick
The dirt, wastes and garbages
That accumulates through ages

This is a message very clear
Which everyone should hear
Let yourself and others survive
In this wonderful hive.

अद्वितिय आशिष

Nonpareil Ashish
This poem was written as a pean towards my friend Ashish on his birthday on Nov 12, 2007. This is more like a biography of his.

ये कोई जादुगर नहीं ।

नाहि ये बडा विद्व‌वान्‌ ।

दोस्ती के उदाहरण के लिये ये सबसे सही ।

सुदामा के लिये कृष्ण कन्हैया यही ।

सौ गुणो से सज्जित है ये ।

चित्रकला मे महारथी है ये ।

दोस्त बनाने की कला इससे सिखो ।

संकट मे भी न घबराना इसमे देखो ।

LnT की शान है ये ।

उमानगर की जान है ये ।

आदि, गौम, रवि की आन है ये ।

मनीष और सतीश की मान है ये ।

Steel City, बोकारो मे ये पला बडा ।

आज ये पर्वत की तरह है खडा ।

Engineering के अध्ययन मे है मस्त ।

मिठ्ठी बात करता है जबरदस्त ।

असफलता को चुनौती समझता है ।

हार कभी नहीं स्विकारता है ।

भले करना पडे हज़ार कोशिश ।

ये है अपना अद्वितिय आशिष ।